- Aklish: Developing and Evaluating a Web Application for Crowdsourcing Aklanon-English TranslationsAndrian Lloyd Maagma, and Danizza Gay Salido2024Conducted for Research Capstone Project and Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion
Recognized as Best Research in Final Defense in Research Capstone Project and Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion
The present study aims to develop and evaluate a web application for crowdsourcing Aklanon-English translations named “Aklish” by utilizing a quantitative research design. The respondents of the study were 34 Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students. To evaluate the effectiveness of Aklish, the functionality, performance, accessibility, adherence to modern standards (AMS), search engine optimization (SEO), usability, and engagement of Aklish is measured by the researchers using the research instruments System Functionality Scale (SFS), Lighthouse, System Usability Scale (SUS), and Engagement Metrics, respectively. Based on the results, Aklish is determined to be functional (82.01%), perform well (81.33%), be accessible (96.79%), adhere to modern standards (100%), be search engine optimized (99.21%), be usable (61.29%), and relatively low in engagement based on several metrics. This suggests that while Aklish demonstrates remarkable functionality, accessibility, AMS, and SEO, there is room for improving its usability and engagement. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the multifaceted aspects of a web application like Aklish, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.
@unpublished{maagma2024aklish, author = {Maagma, Andrian Lloyd and Salido, Danizza Gay}, title = {Aklish: Developing and Evaluating a Web Application for Crowdsourcing Aklanon-English Translations}, year = {2024}, school = {Maloco National High School}, note = {Conducted for Research Capstone Project and Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion}, keywords = {Aklanon, English, Translation, Crowdsourcing, Web application}, }
- Correlation Between the Level of Language Dominance and the Relative Frequency of Taglish Code-Switching of Science, Technology, and Engineering StudentsAndrian Lloyd Maagma, and Danizza Gay Salido2023Conducted for Practical Research 2
Recognized as Best Research in Final Defense in Practical Research 2
The present study investigates the relationship between the level of language dominance and the relative frequency of Tagalog-English (Taglish) code-switching (CS) by utilizing a quantitative correlational research design. The respondents of the study were 57 multilingual Science, Technology, And Engineering (STE) students. The researchers used two research instruments, the Bilingual Language Profile (BLP) and the Comic Elicitation Task (CET), to measure the variables respectively. Based on the results determined by utilizing the Pearson correlation coefficient and t-test, there is no significant relationship between the variables (r (55)=0.19,p>0.05). This suggests that CS frequency is not an indirect indicator of language dominance. It indicates that language choice in individual instances may not reflect overall language ability. However, further investigation is needed to explore why this is the case. By highlighting its relationship with language dominance, this study contributes to the understanding of CS behaviors of multilingual individuals.
@unpublished{maagma2023taglish, author = {Maagma, Andrian Lloyd and Salido, Danizza Gay}, title = {Correlation Between the Level of Language Dominance and the Relative Frequency of Taglish Code-Switching of Science, Technology, and Engineering Students}, year = {2023}, school = {Maloco National High School}, note = {Conducted for Practical Research 2}, keywords = {Bilingualism, Language dominance, Code-switching, Tagalog-English code-switching, Taglish}, }
- The Number of Right Isosceles Triangles That Can Be Formed in an nxn-Size Tangram GridRiza Francisco, Andrian Lloyd Maagma, and Danizza Gay Salido2023Conducted for Regional SciMathlympics
Served as the entry of the Aklan division to 2023 Regional SciMathlympics, Mathematics and Computational Science, Team Category
This mathematical investigation examined the number of right isosceles triangles that can be formed in an nxn-size grid based on a dissection puzzle called tangrams. By carefully analyzing triangle formation patterns and the conditions that govern them on a 1x1 to 9x9 tangram grid, the researchers have determined that only right isosceles triangles can be formed, which varies in size, orientation, and position. They further identified two types of right isosceles triangles, distinguished by where the hypotenuse coincides. These observations have led to a conjecture with four main components, two of which were proven by Mathematical Induction, while the remaining require further investigation. Despite its limitations, this study provides a foundation for future research on tangrams, puzzles, and related mathematical concepts.
@unpublished{maagma2023tangram, author = {Francisco, Riza and Maagma, Andrian Lloyd and Salido, Danizza Gay}, title = {The Number of Right Isosceles Triangles That Can Be Formed in an nxn-Size Tangram Grid}, year = {2023}, school = {Maloco National High School}, note = {Conducted for Regional SciMathlympics}, keywords = {Tangram, Geometry, Patterns}, }
- Assessing the Viability of a Mobile Application-Based Contextual Chatbot-Delivered Psychotherapy in Reducing Depressive Symptoms Among AdolescentsAndrian Lloyd Maagma2023Proposed for Practical Research 2
The present paper is a research proposal that aims to develop a mobile app-based contextual chatbot that is viable enough to deliver psychotherapy to reduce depressive symptoms among adolescents. To assess this viability, the researcher will experimentally investigate its efficacy, usability, and acceptability.
@unpublished{maagma2023cupid, author = {Maagma, Andrian Lloyd}, title = {Assessing the Viability of a Mobile Application-Based Contextual Chatbot-Delivered Psychotherapy in Reducing Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents}, year = {2023}, school = {Maloco National High School}, note = {Proposed for Practical Research 2}, keywords = {Chatbot, Mobile App, AI, Psychotherapy, Mental Health, Depression, Adolescents}, }