Hello, World!

Welcome to my new digital space!

Today marks an exciting milestone as I launch my very first personal website, built over the weekend using GitHub Pages and Jekyll. This site is going to be my little corner of the internet where I share my projects, research, skills, and whatever else I’m interested in.

Building this site is a big step for me. As someone who’s really into web dev, I wanted a space to present my work and connect with others who have similar interests. Here’s why I decided to create it:

  • Show off my portfolio. I wanted an all-in-one place where friends, colleagues, collaborators, potential clients, and employers can easily explore my work and interests with just a single click. I felt that having my CV as a PDF, a separate LinkedIn profile, repositories and projects on GitHub, and research papers buried in my GDrive was a bit all over the place.

  • Learn static site generation. Building this site was a great way for me to get into static site generation with Jekyll. Since my past web dev projects were either plain HTML/CSS/JS or used backend frameworks like Django and Flask, it was a refreshing change to work with a static site generator. It felt like a nice middle ground between frontend-only and full-stack apps. I got to work with simple Markdown files instead of coding individual HTML pages like I used to. I also didn’t have to worry about a backend, since free hosting sites like GitHub Pages only support static files. It was also a quick process since I used a template as a starting point.

  • Practice writing and sharing content. I’ve been looking for a way to get better at technical writing and documenting my projects and ideas. This site is a great place to start. I’m not sure how often I’ll update the blog, but it’s a solid beginning in sharing what I’m doing and learning along the way.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy checking out my site as much as I enjoyed building it!